Our Core Belief

Our Core Belief

  • The Bible is a complete life-giving word of God, infallible, inerrant, and inspired Holy scripture written in the influence of Holy Spirit.
  • There is one God, existing eternally in three Persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  • Because all people have sinned, they have become separated from God and deserve to die.
  • God loves people so much that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die in our place.
  • Jesus Christ rose victorious from the dead and ascended to heaven, and the Holy Spirit was then poured out on believers.
  • When people turn away from their sins and come back to Jesus with a repenting heart, they are born again in the Holy Spirit and saved by God’s grace.
  • Believers’ baptism by immersion symbolizes death to the old life and rising again to new life in Christ and should normally follow soon after conversion.
  • Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit that exists to worship and serve God, specifically by spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and making disciples throughout the world.
  • The devil is a powerful created spiritual being, served by demon spirits, who seeks to destroy God’s work and oppose God’s people, and who will ultimately be condemned to eternal suffering.
  • Jesus Christ is Lord of all, and He is victorious over the devil.
  • Jesus will one day return to the earth in power and glory to gather His resurrected people for eternal life and to bring judgment on those who do not obey the gospel.

core belief