Church Planting

Church Planting

Church Planting

The Church’s primary focus is on evangelism, spreading the Gospel message to all corners of the world. In Acts 1:8, Jesus instructs His disciples to be witnesses “to the ends of the earth,” emphasizing the importance of sharing the good news of salvation with everyone.

In Nepal, there are remote areas where the Gospel has not yet been preached, and it is our mission to bring the message of the cross to these regions. Terai region stands out as a significant area for evangelism and church planting due to its remote and unreached communities, where the 60 % population of Nepal is predominantly Living there. This fertile plain, stretching along the southern border of the country, is home to diverse ethnic groups and cultures that have not yet been exposed to the Gospel message. RCM is deeply committed to venturing into these remote areas of the Terai region to share the love of Christ and lead individuals to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

As we witness the transformation of lives through faith in Christ, our heartfelt prayer is for the establishment of new churches in these unreached territories. By focusing our efforts on the Terai region, we aim to create strong, vibrant communities of believers who can grow in their faith and share the Gospel with others. Through our outreach initiatives, we seek to bring hope, healing, and salvation to the people of the Terai region, fulfilling our mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to every corner of Nepal.

When individuals accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, we pray for the establishment of new churches in those areas.

Church planting is a vital aspect of ministry, dedicated to proclaiming and teaching God’s Word. The Ministry’s ultimate goal is to glorify the Lord by establishing self-sustaining communities of believers.

Our vision extends to planting churches in all 77 districts of Nepal and beyond, trusting that God is at work in fulfilling this mission. As we continue to pray and preach the Gospel, we believe that God will bring about the growth of His Church in every place we go.

Our Ministries

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