Social Welfare

Social Welfare

social welfare

RCM Nepal is dedicated to social welfare and community development, with a strong focus on helping those in need and marginalized populations. Our programs and initiatives encompass a wide range of areas, including mental health support, disability assistance, homeless outreach, medical missions, crisis response, elderly care, child protection, family therapy, substance abuse intervention, and more.

We believe in the importance of caring for the vulnerable and disadvantaged members of society, as reflected in
Proverbs 19:17 – “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”

Through our efforts in social welfare and community service, RCM Nepal aims to uplift and empower individuals, promote mental health and well-being, advocate for the rights of the disabled, support the homeless, provide care for the elderly, protect children from harm, respondence to Natural Disasters victim and offer hope and healing to those struggling with substance abuse. Our ultimate goal is to bring about positive change and transformation in the lives of those we serve.

Our Ministries

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