Mission & Vision

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Our Mission

To reach the lost with the message of the Gospel in anyway, let people Believe in God. Whoever believes in Him then lift them in Godly environment and discipleship, revive the church to eternal truths and promises in the Word of God, to rise up an army of radical disciples.

Along with this we focus on Christian impact. We focus on create peace upon all of His people. We know God has created us equally so there is no differentiation. So we focus on making unity. Our theme is ‘Follow Peace With All’.



Our Vision

To connect people to God’s plan for their life. We want to help people to KNOW GOD, FIND FREEDOM, DISCOVER PURPOSE, And MAKE a DIFFERENCE. We believe Jesus came to give everyone life and purpose. As a church, our dream is to help people discover and embrace that purpose to the fullest.

Likewise, every single person is God’s creation so we focus on let people know about life giver and follow His will. So when they start to respect the creator then they start to respect one another so as Bible say, we are created in His own image. So we teach people to make unity in diversity.  There will be no diversity among denominations. Share love of God whether they cannot accept our thought.

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