Missionary in Terai

Missionary in Terai

We are very pleased to have sent our first missionary from our church in Terai, where the majority of the population is Hindu and Muslim. We are praying for the establishment of a church in Bara District and believe that God will work in this endeavor. Our goal is to plant two churches in 2024, one of which will be in a location where there is currently no church. We ask for your prayers and support as we strive to expand His kingdom in this unreached area.

Recent News

In the book of Matthew 28:19 says, '… Baptizing them…

We had very blessed Revolution Conference at Kolhabi Bara, Nepal.…

We are very pleased to have sent our first missionary…

We had very blessed time on open air preaching in…

We had Personal Evangelism Program at Terai Region of Nepal.…

We had very blessed Revolution Conference at  Gopirang Makawanpur. The…

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In the book of Matthew 28:19 says, '… Baptizing them…