I was born into a Hindu family, the eldest of eight sisters and one brother. Growing up in poverty, I faced many challenges, including limited access to education. At the age of 15, I moved to Kathmandu with my older sister to seek work, taking on jobs in garment factories and construction sites to make ends meet.

As if the financial struggles weren’t enough, my brother’s involvement with drugs added further complications to our family’s hardships. His choices brought turmoil into our lives, and me and my older sister took responsibility of caring for him and my other siblings.

However, everything changed when my brother found solace in Jesus and renounced his destructive habits. His transformation brought immense joy to our family, and it inspired some of us to embrace faith as well. Despite the ongoing challenges, I found a newfound sense of peace within myself. So I decided to give my whole life to the Lord and I joined the Bible College.

After completing a Bible school program for a Certificate of Theology (CTH), I aspired to pursue full-time ministry. However, financial constraints compelled me to return to working on construction sites to support my family because During this time my sister got married and that added more weight on my shoulders. Nevertheless, I never lost hope and continued to pray for an opportunity to serve the Lord.

Today, I am grateful to have been given the chance to serve as a Leader at RCM Nepal. While I am still unmarried, I am committed to dedicating my life to serving the Lord. I am blessed to have a supportive community within the RCM Nepal Leadership team, and I humbly ask for your prayers as we continue our mission.

My journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith and the unwavering support of a loving community. I hope that my story will inspire others who are facing similar struggles and show them that there is always hope and purpose in faith.

Thank you for your prayers and support as we continue on this journey of faith and service.