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About Revolution Church & Ministries


In 2020, Pastor Manoj Jubal received a divine vision from God during a 40-day fasting and prayer period. While seeking the Lord in prayer, Pastor Jubal was given the word “Revolution” and a directive to work towards bringing about a revolution.

In response, he humbly sought clarification from God, expressing his commitment to serving in expanding the kingdom of God rather than pursuing a political path. In response, God directed him to “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:” Hebrews 12:14 (KJV), emphasizing the importance of promoting love, peace, and unity among all people, regardless of their denominational or faith backgrounds.

Inspired by this divine guidance, Pastor Jubal shared the vision with his family, and together they fervently prayed and formulated plans to establish a new church. In January 2021, Pastor Manoj commenced prayer gatherings with his four family members, and within five months, the group grew to 12 members. Subsequently, in May 2021, an opportunity arose to launch the church, and a small space was rented to accommodate worship services, prayer meetings, and other church operations. This new congregation was named Revolution Church & Ministries (RCM).

What initially began as a local movement in 2021 has now birthed a single church, with aspirations for global outreach. The vision is to see people redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, empowered by His Holy Spirit, and transformed by His Word, working together with a united vision and shared values in His Kingdom. RCM has evolved into an organization with a distinct DNA that aligns with fulfilling the Great Commission through evangelism, nurturing care and development through discipleship, and making an impact on future generations through promoting peace and unity.

As a church and organization, RCM is committed to following God’s progressive vision and championing His promises. The core purpose of RCM is to be at the forefront of God’s work, driven by the imperative to “follow peace with all,” which underscores the very essence of its existence.